Thursday, November 16, 2017

Is the us dollar shrinking or is it me?

I went to buy a can of tuna fish & a loaf of bread - a $5 dollar would not cover the damage.
I smoked when I was in the Navy - I couldn't afford not to.  $1 us dollar a carton - that's right - a dollar a carton - 10 cents a pack - one-half a cent a cigarette!
today - fugeddaboutit -$10 bucks a pack - at least 50 cents a cigarette - who knows how much a carton - are you kidding me?

How about being a retired person on a fixed income?  You watch the prices soaring - you
either eat less or change your diet to dog food.  How about those wonderful caring people in Washington who vote themselves raises & are not subject to Obamacare?  Just print another trillion dollars & everything is cool?  Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to save your money & actually increase your wealth while watching your money grow.

I lucked out & came across a better way.  Click on the image below & see what I found.  I'm no longer worried that a can of tuna will go to $5.  Or that our leaders will keep printing money.

Click here for a better way

Don't wait for the $ 2 look like this.
Click here before the US Dollar looks like this